ZBA Public Hearing Agenda

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Public Hearing
Saturday November 16, 2013 10:00 A.M.
Association Clubhouse
6 Sunset Ave. Niantic, CT.


1. Call Public Hearing to order, introduce ZBA members & any seated alternate.

2. Chair, reads the Notice of Public Hearing into the record.

a. Application of Cheryl Colangelo and Raymond Lillis for a variance of the Black Point Zoning Regulations Section V 1A to allow an expansion of nonconformity in connection with a renovation of their nonconforming dwelling at 39 Whitecap Road Niantic CT. The property is identified on East Lyme Assessor’s map 5.14 as Lot No. 39.

3. Chair polls members for conflicts of interest:

4. Advises variance must be approved by a vote of at least 4 members.

5. Certificate of mailing to abutters entered into record.

6. All persons present will have the opportunity to speak relative to the issues being considered.

a. Applicant’s presentation.
b. Any supporting the application
c. Any opposed to the application.
d. Further discussion/rebuttal.
e. Questions from the panel.

7. Relevant communications received and made part of the record.

8. After all testimony has been heard, declare Public Hearing closed.

9. Call Regular Meeting to order. (Note the time)

10. Discussion/Decision on the application.

11. Further business to come before the ZBA if agreed by a majority of the members present.

12. Adjournment.

Stephen Fogarty, Chairman