Proposed Bills Related to the Waterford Data Center

Waterford Data Center update 02-27-25

CT SB00892

An Act Requiring An Evaluation Of The Impact Of Large Data Centers On The Electric Distribution System.

Sponsors: Sen. Martha Marx [D]   Rep. Nick Gauthier [D]   Rep. Nick Menapace [D]

SB 00892 was referred to and is currently in the Joint Energy and Technology Committee.

Today: Email/call each one of the Bill sponsors to thank them for sponsoring this Bill. Remember to let them know that you are a registered voter in  [town, state] (actually say or write that information).

Today: Email/call all members of the the Joint Energy and Technology Committee, asking them to support this Bill and send it on. Tip – select and contact members not representing Waterford first.

Track this Bill’s progress and familiarize yourself with it here (it’s also included below).

While many of us are not opposed to data centers in general, we are very concerned about their locations and relationship to our power sources.

Thank you so much for your wonderful help as we continue to oppose the proposed plan for data centers at Millstone Point!


Proposed H.B. No. 5108 An act concerning the regulation of industrial low-frequency noise pollution. To protect citizens of the state from the health effects of industrial low-frequency noise pollution. (A copy of this Bill is below.)

This Bill was introduced by Rep. Rebecca Martinez, 22nd Dist., and has been referred to the CT Joint Committee on Environment.


  • Remember to say that you are a registered voter in [town, state](actually say or write that information). Note that you are involved with Concerned Citizens of Waterford & East Lyme working against the proposed data centers project at Millstone Point, Waterford, and appreciate stricter and reasonable regulation of sound levels on town and state levels.