Immediate Job Opening: Beach Patrol

Duties: Enforcing the rules and regulations of the Black Point Beach Association Hours: 5 ½ hours per day, 6 days a week, weather permitting Pay: $10/hour Start Date: August 20, 2016 End Date: September 5, 2016 Please Note: Applicant must be a minimum of 18 years old. To apply, please call Tom Sheehan (860)917-1573

Test your Trivia Skills

Test your Trivia Skills Wednesday August 17 7:00 PM Reserve a table for your team (8 member limit) [reply to email or 860-739-8161] Bring food / drink for your table $5 per person  Open to all black pointers Prizes will be awarded Raffle to benefit renewed clubhouse shuffle boards. Sponsored by B.P. Men’s Club  

The BPBCA Zoning Commission meeting scheduled for July 15 has been cancelled

Please be advised that the Black Point Zoning Commission Regular Meeting scheduled for Friday July 15, 2016 has been cancelled due to a conflict with a Special Event taking place at the Clubhouse that evening. A Special meeting of the Zoning Commission will be scheduled for Friday July 22, 2016 with details to follow.