Black Point Phone Directory

Hello Fellow Black Pointers, It’s time to update our directory. In order for me to get it published before the Annual Meeting I will need to make March 15th the  deadline for any changes. I need to know if I should edit the  NAME< ADDRESS< or PHONE( only 1 please). Please send email to or […]

ZBA Public Hearing Agenda

Download printer-friendly version Black Point Beach Club Zoning Board of Appeals AGENDA: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 6:00 PM at the East Lyme Senior Center, 41 Society Road, Niantic, CT Public Hearing Black Point Zoning Board of Appeals Case 1-2016 Application of Jodie T. Chase, for an appeal of an alleged error of the Zoning Enforcement […]

Zoning Board of Appeals Notice of Public Hearing

Black Point Beach Club Association Zoning Board of Appeals Notice of Public Hearing Black Point Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a Public Hearing November 22, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at the East Lyme Senior Center (Mealsite Room), 41 Society Rd, Niantic, CT to hear the following application: Black Point Zoning Board of Appeals Case […]