Test your Trivia Skills

Test your Trivia Skills Wednesday August 17 7:00 PM Reserve a table for your team (8 member limit) [reply to email or 860-739-8161] Bring food / drink for your table $5 per person  Open to all black pointers Prizes will be awarded Raffle to benefit renewed clubhouse shuffle boards. Sponsored by B.P. Men’s Club  

4th of July Picnic, 2016

  Please remember to pick up your 6 allotted tickets per household for the 4th of July picnic, by June 19th!   Call Tom Sheehan at [860] 917-1573 to arrange a pick up time. Extra tickets at $5.00 each may be purchased any time prior to the 4th, also by calling Tom. The only tickets […]

Good news!!

The construction of the boat launch restoration has started. After months of surveys and engineering drafts, the shovels are in the ground. The precast forms are made and concrete poured into them and they are curing on the boat beach. Machnik construction will recap the north and south wing walls and replace the hinge at […]