New Data Center Update!

Black Point Members, I have just heard that the data center study bill could go either way in the House and we only have 24 hours left.  We are being urged to call Matt Ritter (Speaker of the House ) and Jason Rojas ( House Majority Leader). They both have the same phone number 860-240-8585.  […]

Legislative Update RE Data Center:

To all Black Pointers: Thank you to all who sent emails about the data center bill – SB 299 passed the state Senate…but we need to do more! We now need your help getting it through the state House of Representatives.  We have to act now before the legislative session ends this Wednesday, May 8th. In […]

For Parties Interested in Stopping the Waterford Data Center, Please read

To all Black Pointers: As you may know, there is a proposal to build a 1.5 million square foot data center next to Millstone power plant. It will be larger than the Crystal Mall, will be seen from our beaches, create non-stop noise and will most likely increase the cost of our electricity. To try and […]

Master Plan May 1st, 2024, Meeting Via Zoom

There will be a meeting of the Master Plan Steering Committee on Wednesday, May 1 @ 7:00pm. This meeting will be a review of the current (and hopefully final) draft of the Plan before presentation to the Board of Governors. The meeting will be held via Zoom. The draft and appendix documents are available for […]

URGENT: Waterford Data Center Update II.

Please be aware, the legislative session is scheduled to end on Wednesday May 8th.  SB299 appears to be on the calendar for this coming Monday (April 29th) however it could still be tabled.  If tabled, understand the legislature will not reconvene until January.  Time is of the essence.  Please send your emails asking for their […]

Waterford Data Center Important Info & Update

Waterford Data Center   Senate Bill 299 – A Bill which directs PURA/DEEP to study the effect of large data centers on the power grid and reliability of electricity distribution based on their predicted consumption.  The bill was tabled on April 9, 2024, and although it is ready to be voted on, there is the […]