BPBCA BOG Special Executive Session & Special Session Meeting Scheduled for March 29th, 2023, Via Zoom

A Special Board of Governors Executive Session will be held on March 29, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., via Zoom, for an Update on Active Litigation and discussion of a correspondence received. A Special meeting will immediately follow the Executive Session at 7:00 p.m., to address any action required from Executive Session Items. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82333880920?pwd=ZjFuY1l2S1hSYnA5T0xDa1AxQk43UT09 One tap […]

BPBCA BOG February 23rd, 2023, Special Executive Session & Regular Meeting Agendas Posted

Agenda of BPBCA Board of Governors Special Meeting Agenda of Black Point Beach Club BOG Regular Meeting   Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/82527648024?pwd=ZVRoTWN3N0FoSHY3bTc4NWFJS0lSdz09Meeting ID: 825 2764 8024Passcode: 974883One tap mobile+13017158592,,82527648024#,,,,*974883# US (Washington DC)+13052241968,,82527648024#,,,,*974883# USDial by your location        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)        +1 305 224 1968 US      […]

Master Plan January 25th, 2023, Strategic Goal Development Meeting via Zoom

Master Plan Meeting – Strategic Goal Development Wednesday, January 25, 2023 @ 7:00pm Please join us as we start the process of developing the strategic goals for the master plan. This is the next step in the process. The public will have the opportunity to offer input as the process continues. The meeting will be held […]

Master Plan Steering Committee

A kick-off meeting for the Master Plan Steering Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, 11/16/2022 at 6:00pm eastern time This will be an initial meeting where the consultant team from S/L/A/M will review the survey results and present initial observations and recommendations. The public is invited to attend the meeting. The meeting will be recorded and […]

Attn: The Zoning October 21st, 2022, Public Hearing Has Been Cancelled

The Black Point Beach Club Association Zoning Commission Public Hearing Scheduled for Friday October 21, 2022 has been cancelled. Based on the preliminary review of the newly appointed Association attorney, it was recommended to conduct a comprehensive review of the regulations prior to amending the existing regulations. 2022 Review BPBCA Zoning Regulations