BPBCA BOG June 25th, 2020 Agenda Posted

BPBCA Board of Governors regular meeting Thursday, June 25 2020 at 6 PM via teleconference call in (425) 436-6363, PIN: 436260 AGENDA I.  Call to order, attendance II.  Approval of minutes      May 28, 2020      June 16, 2020 III.  Communications to board VI.  Public comments VII.  Reports      Treasurer      Tax […]

June 27th, 2020 Annual Election for BOG Announcement:

Meeting for annual elections for Board of Governors Saturday, June 27, 2020, 9AM  by teleconference call 425-436-6363 and give the following access code (PIN): 436260.   AGENDA Call to order and attendance 9 AM Nominations for two positions on Board of Governors 10 AM – noon  Exit teleconferencing for submission of ballots 12:30 PM  Reconvene […]

Special BOG Meeting Announcement

Special Board of Governors Meeting Tuesday, 6/16 There will be a special BOG meeting, held via teleconference, on Tuesday, June 16, at 3:30 PM.  To attend the meeting by phone, call 425-436-6363 and give the following access code (PIN): 436260.  As this is a special meeting, no public comment will be heard. AGENDA I.  Call […]

Zoom Test Run Info:

BPBCA Practice Voting in preparation for Election of Officers during the Covid-19 Pandemic Black Point Beach Club is inviting you to a practice Zoom session on June 9th at 7pm.  If you need support, call or email Jim  Moffett at bpbcmanager@gmail.com, 860 460-7641 prior to the session. You may access the meeting via computer or […]


 Changes in BPBCA meeting schedule:   The annual meeting of May 30 is cancelled.  However, the regular Board of Governors meeting of May 28 will be held remotely at 6 PM.  Agenda to follow.  Public comments will be heard at this meeting.   Call in number: 425-436-6363, access code: 436260   There will be a special meeting, held remotely, to fill […]