Budget Adoption Announcement

Budget adoption   To the members of Black Point, Another casualty of the pandemic is our ability to congregate as a community in order to govern ourselves until the crisis abates.  While many issues can wait, we must address the budget in order to determine the mill rate and collect taxes for the fiscal year […]

BPBCA ZBA April 1st, 2020 Special Meeting Agenda Posted

View Special Meeting Agenda Here **Please Note this Meeting will be held via teleconference; please see agenda for telephone number and access code.** Colleen Chapin, the ZBA Chair, can also be reached at bpbcazba@gmail.com

A Message to Black Pointers

   Message to all Black Pointers We are all experiencing how COVID19 is turning life upside down. The first reported  case in East Lyme was reported last week, meaning it had been incubating in the week before then.  Our population will be burgeoning as we welcome back friends and neighbors who have been away for […]

BP Bell Ringing

Black Point Bell Ringing In an effort to raise the spirits of Black Point residents in a time where many are self-quarantining to avoid the spread of COVID-19 we are suggesting a community bell ringing at 8 P.M. every night for the foreseeable future. Just open your front door and let it ring!  If you […]

Notice for returning Black Pointers

Message to returning Black Pointers: Welcome back to all of you who have been away.  Mark Nickerson, our First Selectman, has recommended a 14 day self quarantine for those returning to East Lyme following a seasonal separation.  Please do so to keep yourselves and your community at Black Point safe.  Thank you.