Meeting & Information Announcement
Update on membership meetings meetings and COVID19 news related to beaches Meetings: There will be another special BOG meeting on Thursday, May 21, and a regular BOG meeting on Thursday, May 28. Watch the website for postings of times, agendas, and teleconference access number. Public comments will be heard at the regular meeting on May 28. […]
BPBCA BOG May 14th, 2020 Special Meeting Agenda (via teleconference) Posted
View Agenda Here To access the May 14th, 2020 BOG meeting at 6PM, call in at (425) 436-6363, using either landline or cell phone. When asked for a pin, it is 436260. After a brief wait, you will hear the proceedings.
BPBCA BOG May 7th, 2020 Special Meeting Minutes Posted
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Meeting Announcement
The BOG will have a special meeting on Thursday, May 14, and Thursday May 21, as well as our regular meeting on May 28, so that we can stay current with COVID policies and make appropriate changes to procedures and rules. These will be teleconferences. Please check the association website the day before each meeting […]
New PO Box for Tax Collector
The BPBCA Tax Collector has a new PO Box; correspondence should now be sent to: BPBCA Tax Collector, PO Box 274, Niantic, CT 06357
BPBCA BOG May 7th, 2020 Special Meeting Agenda (via teleconference) Posted
View Agenda Here To access the May 7th, 2020 BOG meeting at 6PM, call in at (425) 436-6363, using either landline or cell phone. When asked for a pin, it is 436260. After a brief wait, you will hear the proceedings.
BPBCA BOG April 23rd, 2020 Meeting Minutes Posted
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BPBCA BOG April 23rd, 2020 Meeting Information
BOG meeting, April 23: Clarification and Procedure Dear Members, As many of you know, the BOG must adopt a budget without a public vote this year (see “Budget Adoption Announcement” posted April 4 on the website). With the help of legal council, we have arrived at a procedure which will allow for as much membership […]
BPBCA BOG April 23rd, 2020 Meeting Agenda Posted
View Amended Agenda Here **Please Note this Meeting will be held via teleconference; please see agenda for telephone number and access code.**