Notice of June 9th, 2020 Zoom Test Run

ATTENTION BPBCA MEMBERS: There will be a practice ZOOM meeting Tuesday evening June 9th at 7 PM to test the feasibility of voting remotely using ZOOM as well as ironing out any wrinkles that may occur.   You would be encouraged to attend as our elections will be held at the end of this month […]

Current Status of the 4th of July Parade

July 4 parade on hold To the members of Black Point, On Thursday, May 28, the Board of Governors passed a motion to have the July 4 parade,  given modifications for social distancing.  Unfortunately, we have erred.  At this time such an event is in violation of standing Executive Orders of Connecticut and the recommendations […]


 Changes in BPBCA meeting schedule:   The annual meeting of May 30 is cancelled.  However, the regular Board of Governors meeting of May 28 will be held remotely at 6 PM.  Agenda to follow.  Public comments will be heard at this meeting.   Call in number: 425-436-6363, access code: 436260   There will be a special meeting, held remotely, to fill […]

Meeting & Information Announcement

Update on membership meetings meetings and COVID19 news related to beaches Meetings:  There will be another special BOG meeting on Thursday, May 21, and a regular BOG meeting on Thursday, May 28.  Watch the website  for postings of times, agendas, and teleconference access number.  Public comments will be heard at the regular meeting on May 28.  […]