BPBCA BOG April 30th, 2021 Special Meeting Agenda

Agenda April 30, 2021 Special BOG Meeting at Clubhouse at 6pm I. Call to order; Attendance II. Approval of initiating Permitting work on repairs at Bellaire ROW; Approval of new member to ZBA III. Adjourn

BPBCA Charter Revision Commission April 26th, 2021 Meeting (via zoom)

The Black Point Charter Commission will meet via Zoom on Monday, April 26th at 6:00 pm. The Zoom invitation is below. The Agenda is: Call to Order Public Comment Review Timeline Discuss voting rights for properties held in trust and comments from public hearing Adjourn Next Meeting – May 10 @ 6 pm Black Point […]

BPBCA BOG April 22nd, 2021 Agenda Posted (via zoom)

April 22nd, 2021 6pm Meeting View Agenda Here This will be a hybrid meeting, so a limited number of seats will be available at the Clubhouse otherwise, attendees may access the meeting via zoom. Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9460236028?pwd=MFduSCtuMDc4OXdIb1ZrZ1JOem5vQT09 Or, Join Zoom Meeting at zoom.us  and use the following Meeting ID and Passcode: Meeting ID: 946 023 […]

BPBCA Charter Revision Commission April 6th, 2021 Public Hearing

Legal Notice Public Hearing                                 Charter Revision Public Hearing Zoom Recording Black Point Beach Club Association Charter Revision   Notice is hereby given that there will be a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.   The Public Hearing […]