BOG meeting cancelled

The Board of Governors Budget meeting for Thursday March 22, 2018  has been cancelled.

Job Posting – Waterfront Supervisor

Black Point Beach Association is hiring a Waterfront Supervisor This is a seasonal, (June 15 through Labor Day), salaried position consisting of a 6 day work week. Normal hours are 10:30 to 5:00 daily, weather permitting. Weekends are mandatory. Applicant must be over 21 years of age. Responsibilities include supervising the beach patrol staff and […]

Job Posting – Recording Secretary for the Zoning Commission

This is a seasonal, March – October hourly position for the Zoning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals.  The recording secretary takes the minutes and files a hard and electronic copy for the Regular Zoning meetings and the occasional special meeting and the Zoning Board of Appeals hearings scheduled during the year. Interested candidates […]

BOG meeting cancelled

The Board of Governors Special meeting for Sunday January 28, 2018 has been cancelled.

Association Manager announces his retirement

Tom Sheehan has announced his retirement to the Board of Governors as Beach Manager effective December 31, 2017. The Board thanks Tom for his many years of service , hard work and loyalty to the Black Point beach community in his many capacities. The Board wishes Tom a long, happy and restful retirement from his […]