BPBCA BOG July 27th, 2023 Special Executive Session & Regular Hybrid Meeting Scheduled

Please note Executive Session is at 6pm followed by the Regular Meeting at 7pm. Join Zoom Link Here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89818248178?pwd=U0kyMi9CSVVLT2ZNZ2M5aWFwYnR5QT09 Meeting ID: 898 1824 8178Passcode: 375778By Phone:  309 205 3325 Agenda of BPBCA Board of Governors Special Zoom Executive Session Agenda of BPBCA BOG June 22nd 2023 Regular Hybrid Meeting

BPBCA BOG June 22nd, 2023 Minutes

Minutes of BPBCA Board of Governors Special Zoom Executive Session 06_22_23 Minutes of BPBCA BOG June 22nd 2023 Regular Hybrid Meeting 06_22_23