Kick-off meeting of the Master Plan Steering Committee was held on Wednesday, November 16, 2022. The meeting was held over Zoom.
Colleen Chapin, Tom Meggers, Phil Lombardo, Al Galati, Arlene Garrow, Rick Diachenko, Ed Zito, Peter Baril, Frank Carmon
Previously appointed John Horoho has stepped back, and Zoning Commission Chair Jim Fox has recommended Charlie Bruce take his place. Mr. Bruce will participate in the public process until officially approved by the Board of Governors at their next meeting.
Mike Zuba and Patrick Gallagher, S/L/A/M Consultants
Various members of the public were also in attendance
Mr. Zuba and Mr. Gallagher walked the attendees through the community survey results and outlined the next steps of the process. The slide deck that was presented is available on the Association website.
Next Steps:
Develop the vision statement – Why are we engaging in this planning process? This will include community values and should be aspirational.
Identify the goals of the Association – What do we look like in 10, 20, 50 years?
Identify strategies to achieve those goals – How are we going to get there?
Is our data accurate? Should we re-survey?
The survey is one lens through which to view the community’s perceptions, needs, wants, strengths, etc. Through this next phase, Steering Committee members are tasked with reaching into their networks in the community to both pull additional input and provide updates throughout the process.
Will there be larger workshops with the community?
Yes – S/L/A/M is committed to leading in-person and virtual workshops with the community in order to review the ideas and plans as they evolve. The first step of the process is creating the vision on which to hang the goals and strategies. While the first pass at crafting the vision is done by the Committee, there may be slight changes as public comments and input are made.