Notice of decision

At a special meeting of the Black Point Beach Club Zoning Board of Appeals held on November 16, 2013 at the Black Point Beach Clubhouse 6 Sunset Ave, Niantic, CT the following decision was made:

APPROVED: Application of Cheryl Colangelo and Raymond J Lillis for a variance
of Sec. V.1A of the Black Point Zoning Regulations, to allow for reconstruction of the home and completion of living space on the second story within the dimensional requirements of: Westerly side yard 10.1 feet and Easterly side yard of 4.2 feet, on a lot identified on the Town of East Lyme Assessor’s map 05.14 Lot 39. The addition was approved based on a hardship created by existing regulations with regard to lot size. The applicants also proved the renovations are consistent with neighboring homes and town zoning regulations.

Stephen Fogarty,